Ins 3.39(3r)(c) (c) If an applicant qualifies under par. (a) and submits an application during the time period referenced in par. (a) and, as of the date of application, has had a continuous period of creditable coverage of at least 6 months, the issuer may not exclude benefits based on a preexisting condition.
Ins 3.39(3r)(d) (d) If the applicant qualifies under par. (a) and submits an application during the time period referenced in par. (a) and, as of the date of application, has had a continuous period of creditable coverage that is less than 6 months, the issuer shall reduce the period of any preexisting condition exclusion by the aggregate of the period of creditable coverage applicable to the applicant as of the enrollment date. The secretary shall specify the manner of the reduction under this paragraph.
Ins 3.39(4) (4) Medicare supplement policy and certificate, Medicare select policy and certificate and Medicare cost policy requirements for policies and certificates offered to persons first eligible for Medicare prior to June 1, 2010.. Except as explicitly allowed by subs. (5), (7), and (30), no disability insurance policy or certificate shall relate its coverage to Medicare or be structured, advertised, solicited, delivered or issued for delivery in this state after December 31, 1990, for policies or certificates issued to persons who were first eligible for Medicare prior to June 1, 2010, as a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, as a Medicare select policy or certificate, or as a Medicare cost policy unless the policy or certificate complies, as applicable, with all of the following:
Ins 3.39(4)(a) (a) The Medicare supplement policy and certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or the Medicare cost policy complies, as applicable, with all the following requirements:
Ins 3.39(4)(a)1. 1. Provides only the coverage set out in sub. (5), (7), or (30) and applicable statutes and contains no exclusions or limitations other than those permitted by sub. (8). No issuer may issue a Medicare cost policy, Medicare supplement policy or certificate, or Medicare select policy or certificate without prior approval from the commissioner and compliance with subs. (5), (7) and (30), respectively.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)2. 2. Discloses on the first page any applicable preexisting conditions limitation, contains no preexisting condition waiting period longer than 6 months and does not define a preexisting condition more restrictively than a condition for which medical advice was given or treatment was recommended by or received from a physician within 6 months before the effective date of coverage.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)3. 3. Contains no definitions of terms such as “Medicare eligible expenses.” “accident,” “sickness,” “mental or nervous disorders,” “skilled nursing facility,” “hospital,” “nurse,” “ physician,” “benefit period,” “convalescent nursing home,” or “outpatient prescription drugs” that are worded less favorably to the insured person than the corresponding Medicare definition or the definitions contained in sub. (3), and defines “Medicare” as in accordance with sub. (3) (q).
Ins 3.39(4)(a)4. 4. Does not indemnify against losses resulting from sickness on a different basis from losses resulting from accident.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)5. 5. Is “guaranteed renewable" and does not provide for termination of coverage of a spouse solely because of an event specified for termination of coverage of the insured, other than the nonpayment of premium. The Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall not be cancelled or nonrenewed by the insurer on the grounds of deterioration of health. The Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy may be cancelled only for nonpayment of premium or material misrepresentation. If the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy is issued by a health maintenance organization, as defined by s. 609.01 (2), Stats., the policy or certificate may, in addition to the above reasons, be cancelled or nonrenewed by the issuer if the insured moves out of the service area.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)6. 6. Provides that termination of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall be without prejudice to a continuous loss that commenced while the policy or certificate was in force, although the extension of benefits may be predicated upon the continuous total disability of the policyholder, limited to the duration of the policy benefit period, if any, or payment of the maximum benefits. Receipt of Medicare Part D benefits shall not be considered in determining a continuous loss.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)7. 7. Contains statements on the first page and elsewhere in the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy that satisfy the requirements of s. Ins 3.13 (2) (c), (d) or (e), and clearly states on the first page or schedule page the duration of the term of coverage for which the policy or certificate is issued and for which it may be renewed. The renewal period cannot be less than the greatest of the following: 3 months, the period the insured has paid the premium, or the period specified in the policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)8. 8. Changes benefits automatically to coincide with any changes in the applicable Medicare deductible amount, coinsurance, and copayment percentage factors, although there may be a corresponding modification of premiums in accordance with the policy or certificate provisions and ch. 625, Stats.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)9. 9. Prominently discloses any limitations on the choice of providers or geographical area of service.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)10. 10. Contains on the first page the designation, printed in 18-point type, and in close conjunction the caption printed in 12-point type, prescribed in sub. (5), (7), or (30).
Ins 3.39(4)(a)11. 11. Contains text that is plainly printed in black or blue ink and has a font size that is uniform and not less than 10-point with a lower-case unspaced alphabet length not less than 120-point.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)12. 12. Contains a provision describing any grievance rights as required by s. 632.83, Stats., applicable to Medicare supplement policy and certificate, Medicare select policy and certificate, and Medicare cost policies.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)13. 13. Is approved by the commissioner.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)14. 14. Contains no exclusion, limitation, or reduction of coverage for a specifically named or described condition after the policy effective date.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)15. 15. Provides for midterm cancellation at the request of the insured and that, if an insured cancels a policy midterm or the policy terminates midterm because of the insured's death, the issuer shall issue a pro rata refund to the insured or the insured's estate.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)16. 16. Except for permitted preexisting condition clauses as described in subd. 2., no Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy or certificate may be advertised, solicited or issued for delivery in this state as a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate or Medicare cost policy if such policy or certificate contains limitations or exclusions on coverage that are more restrictive than those of Medicare.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)17. 17. No Medicare supplement policy or certificate in force in this state shall contain benefits that duplicate benefits provided by Medicare.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)18. 18. A Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate or Medicare cost policy shall provide that benefits and premiums under the policy or certificate shall be suspended at the request of the policyholder or certificateholder for the period not to exceed 24 months in which the policyholder or certificateholder has applied for and is determined to be entitled to medical assistance under Title XIX of the social security act, but only if the policyholder or certificateholder notifies the issuer of the policy or certificate within 90 days after the date the individual becomes entitled to the assistance.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)18m. 18m. If the suspension in subd. 18. occurs and if the policyholder or certificateholder loses entitlement to medical assistance, the policy or certificate shall be automatically reinstituted (effective as of the date of termination of the entitlement) as of the termination of the entitlement if the policyholder or certificateholder provides notice of loss of the entitlement within 90 days after the date of the loss and pays the premium attributable to the period, effective as of the date of termination of the entitlement.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)18p. 18p. Each Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate or Medicare cost policy shall provide, and contain within the policy, that benefits and premiums under the policy or certificate shall be suspended for any period that may be provided by federal regulation, at the request of the policyholder or certificateholder if the policyholder or certificateholder is entitled to benefits under section 226 (b) of the social security act and is covered under a group health plan, as defined in section 1862 (b) (1) (A) (v) of the social security act. If suspension occurs and if the policyholder or certificateholder loses coverage under the group health plan, the policy or certificate shall be automatically reinstituted, effective as of the date of loss of coverage, if the policyholder or certificateholder provides notice of loss of coverage within 90 days after the date of such loss and pays the premium attributable to the period, effective as of the date of termination of enrollment in the group health plan.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)18s. 18s. No Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy may provide for any waiting period for resumption of coverage that was in effect before the date of suspension under subd. 18. with respect to treatment of preexisting conditions.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)18u. 18u. Each Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall provide for resumption of coverage that was in effect before the date of suspension in subd. 18. If the suspended Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate or Medicare cost policy provided coverage for outpatient prescription drugs, resumption of the policy shall be without coverage for outpatient prescription drugs and shall otherwise provide substantially equivalent coverage to the coverage in effect before the date of suspension. If the suspended Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate or Medicare cost policy provided coverage of Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage or if the insured was enrolled or Medicare eligible prior to January 1, 2020, and the insurer offers a plan with Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage, then the policyholder or certificateholder may elect or renew coverage with the Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage. If the insurer no longer offers a plan with the Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage, then the insurer shall provide the policyholder or certificateholder with substantially equivalent coverage to the coverage in effect prior to the date of suspension.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)18x. 18x. Each Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall provide that, upon the resumption of coverage that was in effect before the date of suspension in subd. 18., classification of premiums shall be on terms at least as favorable to the policyholder or certificateholder as the premium classification terms that would have applied to the policyholder or certificateholder had the coverage not been suspended.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)19. 19. Shall not use an underwriting standard for under age 65 that is more restrictive than that used for age 65 and above.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)20.a.a. A policy with benefits for outpatient prescription drugs in existence prior to January 1, 2006, shall be renewed for current policyholders who do not enroll in Medicare Part D at the option of the policyholder.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)20.b. b. A policy with benefits for outpatient prescription drugs shall not be issued after December 31, 2005.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)20.c. c. After December 31, 2005, a policy with benefits for outpatient prescription drugs may not be renewed after the policyholder enrolls in Medicare Part D unless the policy is modified to eliminate outpatient prescription drug coverage for expenses of outpatient prescription drugs incurred after the effective date of the individual's coverage under a Medicare Part D plan and the premiums are adjusted appropriately to reflect elimination of that coverage.
Ins 3.39(4)(a)21. 21. If a policy that provides Medicare supplement or Medicare cost coverage eliminates an outpatient prescription drug benefit as a result of requirements imposed by the MMA, the modified policy shall be deemed to satisfy the guaranteed renewal requirements of subd. 5.
Ins 3.39(4)(b) (b) The outline of coverage for the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy or certificate shall comply with all of the following:
Ins 3.39(4)(b)1. 1. Is provided to all applicants at the time application is made and, except in the case of direct response insurance, the issuer obtains written acknowledgement from the applicant that the outline was received.
Ins 3.39(4)(b)2. 2. Complies with s. Ins 3.27, including s. Ins 3.27 (5) (L) and (9).
Ins 3.39(4)(b)3. 3. Is substituted to properly describe the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy or certificate as issued, if the outline provided at the time of application did not properly describe the coverage which was issued. The substituted outline shall accompany the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy or certificate when it is delivered and shall contain the following statement in no less than 12-point type and immediately above the company name: “NOTICE: Read this outline of coverage carefully. It is not identical to the outline of coverage provided upon application, and the coverage originally applied for has not been issued."
Ins 3.39(4)(b)4. 4. Contains in close conjunction on its first page the designation, printed in a distinctly contrasting color in 24-point type, and the caption, printed in a distinctly contrasting color in 18-point type prescribed in sub. (5), (7) or (30).
Ins 3.39(4)(b)5. 5. Is substantially in the format prescribed in Appendix 1 for the appropriate category and printed in no less than 12-point type.
Ins 3.39(4)(b)6. 6. Summarizes or refers to the coverage set out in applicable statutes.
Ins 3.39(4)(b)7. 7. Contains a listing of the required coverage as set out in sub. (5) (c) and the optional coverages as set out in sub. (5) (i), and the annual premiums for each selected coverage, substantially in the format of sub. (11) of Appendix 1.
Ins 3.39(4)(b)8. 8. Is approved by the commissioner along with the policy or certificate form.
Ins 3.39(4)(c) (c) Any rider or endorsement added to the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy or certificate shall comply with all of the following:
Ins 3.39(4)(c)1. 1. Shall be contained in the policy or certificate and, if a separate, additional premium is charged in connection with the rider or endorsement, the premium charge shall be stated in the policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(4)(c)2. 2. Shall be agreed to in writing signed by the insured if, after the date of the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy or certificate issue, the rider or endorsement increases benefits or coverage and there is an accompanying increase in premium during the term of the policy or certificate, unless the increase in benefits or coverage is required by law.
Ins 3.39(4)(c)3. 3. Shall only provide coverage as described in sub. (5) (i) or provide coverage to meet Wisconsin mandated provisions.
Ins 3.39(4)(d) (d) The schedule of benefits page or the first page of the policy or certificate contains a listing giving the coverages and both the annual premium in the format shown in sub. (11) of Appendix 1 and modal premium selected by the applicant.
Ins 3.39(4)(e) (e) The anticipated loss ratio for any new Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy form, or the expected percentage of the aggregate amount of premiums earned that will be returned to insureds in the form of aggregate benefits, not including anticipated refunds or credits, that is provided under the policy or certificate form:
Ins 3.39(4)(e)1. 1. Is computed on the basis of anticipated incurred claims or incurred health care expenses where coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization on a service rather than reimbursement basis and earned premiums for the entire period for which the policy form provides coverage, in accordance with accepted actuarial principles and practices; and
Ins 3.39(4)(e)2. 2. Is submitted to the commissioner along with the policy or certificate form and is accompanied by rates and an actuarial demonstration that expected claims in relationship to premiums comply with the loss ratio standards under sub. (16) (d). The policy or certificate form will not be approved by the commissioner unless the anticipated loss ratio along with the rates and actuarial demonstration show compliance with sub. (16) (d).
Ins 3.39(4)(g) (g) For subsequent rate changes to the policy or certificate form, the insurer shall do all of the following:
Ins 3.39(4)(g)1. 1. File the rate changes in a format specified by the commissioner.
Ins 3.39(4)(g)2. 2. Include in the filing under subd.1. an actuarially sound demonstration that the rate change will not result in a loss ratio over the life of the policy or certificate that would violate the requirements under sub. (16) (d).
Ins 3.39(4)(h)1.1. Medicare supplement policies written prior to January 1, 1992, shall comply with the standards then in effect, except that the appropriate loss ratios specified in sub. (16) (d) shall be used to demonstrate compliance with minimum loss ratio requirements and refund calculations for policies and certificates renewed after December 31, 1995, and with sub. (14) (c).
Ins 3.39(4)(h)2. 2. For purposes of loss ratio and refund calculations, policies and certificates renewed after December 31, 1995, shall be treated as if they were issued in 1996.
Ins 3.39(4m) (4m)Medicare supplement policy and certificate, Medicare select policy and certificate, and Medicare cost policy requirements for policies and certificates offered to persons first eligible for Medicare on or after June 1, 2010, and prior to January 1, 2020. Except as explicitly allowed by subs. (5m) and (30m), no disability insurance policy or certificate shall relate its coverage to Medicare or be structured, advertised, marketed or issued to persons first eligible for Medicare on or after June 1, 2010, and prior to January 1, 2020, as a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, as a Medicare select policy or certificate, or as a Medicare cost policy unless the policy or certificate complies with all of the following:
Ins 3.39(4m)(a) (a) The policy or certificate shall comply with all of the following requirements:
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)1. 1. Provides only the coverage set out in sub. (5m), (7), or (30m) and applicable statutes and contains no exclusions or limitations other than those permitted by sub. (8). No issuer may issue a Medicare cost policy or Medicare select policy or certificate without prior approval from the commissioner and compliance with sub. (30m).
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)2. 2. Discloses on the first page any applicable preexisting conditions limitation, contains no preexisting condition waiting period longer than 6 months and does not define a preexisting condition more restrictively than a condition for which medical advice was given or treatment was recommended by or received from a physician within 6 months before the effective date of coverage.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)3. 3. Contains no definitions of terms such as “Medicare eligible expenses," “accident," “sickness," “mental or nervous disorders," skilled nursing facility," “hospital," “nurse," “physician," “ benefit period," “convalescent nursing home," or “outpatient prescription drugs" that are worded less favorably to the insured person than the corresponding Medicare definition or the definitions contained in sub. (3), and defines “Medicare" as in accordance with sub. (3) (q).
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)4. 4. Does not indemnify against losses resulting from sickness on a different basis from losses resulting from accident.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)5. 5. Is guaranteed renewable and does not provide for termination of coverage of a spouse solely because of an event specified for termination of coverage of the insured, other than the non-payment of premium. The policy or certificate may not be cancelled or nonrenewed by the issuer on the grounds of deterioration of health. The policy or certificate may be cancelled only for nonpayment of premium or material misrepresentation. If the policy or certificate is issued by a health maintenance organization, the policy or certificate may, in addition to the above reasons, be cancelled or nonrenewed by the issuer if the insured moves out of the service area.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)6. 6. Provides that termination of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall be without prejudice to a continuous loss that commenced while the policy or certificate was in force, although the extension of benefits may be predicated upon the continuous total disability of the insured, limited to the duration of the policy or certificate benefit period, if any, or payment of the maximum benefits. Receipt of the Medicare Part D benefits may not be considered in determining a continuous loss.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)7. 7. Contains statements on the first page and elsewhere in the policy or certificate that satisfy the requirements of s. Ins 3.13 (2) (c), (d) and (e), and clearly states on the first page or schedule page the duration of the term of coverage for which the policy or certificate is issued and for which it may be renewed. The renewal period cannot be less than the greatest of the following: 3 months, the period for which the insured has paid the premium, or the period specified in the policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)8. 8. Changes benefits automatically to coincide with any changes in the applicable Medicare deductible amount, coinsurance and copayment percentage factors, although there may be a corresponding modification of premiums in accordance with the policy or certificate provisions and ch. 625, Stats.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)9. 9. Prominently discloses any limitations on the choice of providers or geographical area of service.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)10. 10. Contains on the first page the designation, printed in 18-point type, and in close conjunction the caption printed in 12-point type, prescribed in sub. (5m) or (30m).
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)11. 11. Contains text that is plainly printed in black or blue ink and has a font size that is uniform and not less than 10-point type with a lower-case unspaced alphabet length not less than 120-point type.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)12. 12. Contains a provision describing any grievance rights as required by s. 632.83, Stats., applicable to Medicare supplement policies and certificates and Medicare cost policies.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)13. 13. Is approved by the commissioner.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)14. 14. Contains no exclusion, limitation, or reduction of coverage for a specifically named or described condition after the policy or certificate effective date.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)15. 15. Provides for midterm cancellation at the request of the insured and provides that, if an insured cancels a policy or certificate midterm or the policy or certificate terminates midterm because of the insured's death, the issuer shall issue a pro rata refund to the insured or the insured's estate.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)16. 16. Except for permitted preexisting condition clauses as described in subd. 2., no policy or certificate may be advertised, solicited or issued for delivery in this state as a Medicare supplement policy or certificate if such policy or certificate contains limitations or exclusions on coverage that are more restrictive than those of Medicare.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)17. 17. No Medicare supplement policy or certificate in force in this state shall contain benefits that duplicate benefits provided by Medicare.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)18. 18. A Medicare supplement policy or certificate shall provide that benefits and premiums under the policy or certificate shall be suspended at the request of the policyholder or certificateholder for the period not to exceed 24 months in which the policyholder or certificateholder has applied for and is determined to be entitled to medical assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, but only if the policyholder or certificateholder notifies the issuer of the policy or certificate within 90 days after the date the individual becomes entitled to the assistance.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)19. 19. If the suspension in subd. 18. occurs and if the policyholder or certificateholder loses entitlement to medical assistance, the policy or certificate shall be automatically reinstituted, effective as of the date of termination of the entitlement, if the policyholder or certificateholder provides notice of loss of the entitlement within 90 days after the date of the loss and pays the premium attributable to the period.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)20. 20. Each Medicare supplement policy or certificate shall provide, and contain within the policy or certificate, that benefits and premiums under the policy or certificate shall be suspended for any period that may be provided by federal regulation, at the request of the policyholder or certificateholder if the policyholder or certificateholder is entitled to benefits under section 226 (b) of the Social Security Act and is covered under a group health plan, as defined in section 1862 (b) (1) (A)(v) of the Social Security Act. If suspension occurs and if the policyholder or certificateholder loses coverage under the group health plan, the policy or certificate shall be automatically reinstituted, effective as of the date of loss of coverage, if the policyholder or certificateholder provides notice of loss of coverage within 90 days after the date of such loss and pays the premium attributable to the period, effective as of the date of termination of enrollment in the group health plan.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)21e. 21e. No Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy may provide for any waiting period for resumption of coverage that was in effect before the date of suspension under subd. 18. with respect to treatment of preexisting conditions.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)21m. 21m. Each Medicare supplement policy or certificate , Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall provide for resumption of coverage that is substantially equivalent to coverage that was in effect before the date of suspension in subd. 18. If the suspended Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy provided coverage of Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage or if the insured was enrolled or Medicare eligible prior to January 1, 2020, and the insurer offers a plan with Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage, then resumption of the policy shall be with Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage. If the insurer no longer offers a plan with the Medicare Part B medical deductible coverage, then the insurer shall provide the insured with substantially equivalent coverage to the coverage in effect prior to the date of suspension.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)21s. 21s. Each Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy shall provide that, upon the resumption of coverage that was in effect before the date of suspension in subd. 18., classification of premiums shall be on terms at least as favorable to the policyholder or certificateholder as the premium classification terms that would have applied to the policyholder or certificateholder had the coverage not been suspended.
Ins 3.39(4m)(a)22. 22. May not use an underwriting standard during open enrollment for persons who are under age 65 that is more restrictive than the underwriting standards that are used for persons age 65 and older.
Ins 3.39(4m)(b) (b) The outline of coverage for the policy or certificate shall comply with all of the following:
Ins 3.39(4m)(b)1. 1. Is provided to all applicants at the same time application is made, and except in the case of direct response insurance, the issuer obtains written acknowledgement from the applicant that the outline was received.
Ins 3.39(4m)(b)2. 2. Complies with s. Ins 3.27.
Ins 3.39(4m)(b)3. 3. Is substituted to describe properly the policy or certificate as issued, if the outline provided at the time of application did not properly describe the coverage that was issued. The substituted outline shall accompany the policy or certificate when it is delivered and shall contain the following statement in no less than 12-point type and immediately above the company name: “NOTICE: Read this outline of coverage carefully. It is not identical to the outline of coverage provided upon application, and the coverage originally applied for has not been issued."
Ins 3.39(4m)(b)4. 4. Contains in close conjunction on its first page the designation, printed in a distinctly contrasting color or bold print in 24-point type, and the caption, printed in a distinctly contrasting color or bold print in 18-point type prescribed in sub. (5m), (7) or (30m).
Ins 3.39(4m)(b)5. 5. Is substantially in the format prescribed in Appendices 3m, 4m, 5m, and 6m for the appropriate category and printed in a font size that is not less than 12-point type.
Ins 3.39(4m)(b)6. 6. Summarizes or refers to the coverage set out in applicable statutes.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.